De Gaulle Fleurance observatories

De Gaulle Fleurance observatories

With these Observatories, De Gaulle Fleurance shares its expertise and feeds the public debate on issues as important as ecological and societal transitions. These are key transitions for the companies we support, and they help us move towards a world that is more respectful of people and the environment.


Decarbonization of companies: the self-consumption boom

At a time of unprecedented rises in energy costs, increasing numbers of companies are choosing to adopt self-consumption solutions as part of their CSR strategy. The majority of these businesses are installing solar panels on their roofs or land to generate their own electricity. The fifth annual International Energy Transition Observatory, published by De Gaulle Fleurance Avocats Notaires reveals that this is a worldwide phenomenon, often driven by regulations that promote the development of renewable energies and self-consumption. Here we provide a round-up of this market trend in Germany, Brazil, Colombia, France, Greece, India, Togo, Turkey and the UK, with insights from the Observatory’s contributors, including Aquereburu & Partners, AZB & Partners, Becker Büttner Held, Bpifrance, Brigard Urrutia, KiloWattsol, KMU Law Office, Rokas, SerenySun, Shakespeare Martineau and SiqueiraCastro.

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Sustainability and new business models

“Reinforcement of the duty of vigilance; expanded non-financial reporting obligations; increased CSR pressure on governance bodies… Business has entered a new era. It is an era in which companies’ contributions to a sustainable, human and planet-friendly world are a central factor in the equation of ecological and social transition.” Louis DE GAULLE

Read the press release here


CSR: the rise of direct pur-chasing from green energy producers

Companies are taking action to face climate change. The most important initiative they are taking is the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), which involves buying green energy directly from the producer, for fighting a backdrop of inflation in traditional energy prices and increasing CSR regulations. In its new “Observatoire des transitions éner-gétiques”, De Gaulle Fleurance reviews the situation in France and in a dozen other countries, thanks to exceptional contribu-tions from foreign law firms: Siqueira Castro (Brazil), Brigard Urrutia (Colombia), Plesner (Denmark), Rokas Law Firm (Greece), AZB Partners (India), Lexel (Madagascar), SCPA LBTI AND PARTNERS (Niger), Shakespeare Martineau (United Kingdom), KMU Law Of-fice (Turkey).

Read the press release here


In the first edition, our lawyers noted that energy and societal transitions have been in the making for over 20 years. With these two new observatories, our specialized lawyers note that these transitions have accelerated both nationally and internationally.


Societal transitions: De Gaulle Fleurance discloses the results of the 2022 edition of its Observatory


With the exceptional contribution of Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board, ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber, and EuropeanIssuers Chairman Luc Vansteenkiste (who represents companies listed in Europe), Pierrick Le Goff, partner, and Alexandra Nowak, lawyer, at De Gaulle Fleurance, presented the results of the 2022 Observatoire des transitions sociales.

Key figures

23: The number of proceedings brought on the basis of the law on due diligence in France, or twice as many as in March 2021.

32: The number of referrals in 2021 made by the national contact points guaranteeing multinationals’ compliance with the OECD guidelines on the protection of the environment and human rights.

55,000: The number of European companies concerned by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will enter into force in 2024, 5 times as many as for the NFRD Directive it amends.

2024: The year from which the sustainability standards developed by the ISSB will be incorporated into the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), a platform of indicators voluntarily adopted by 20,000 companies representing half of global market capitalisation.


Read the press release here


Electric mobility: De Gaulle Fleurance and Avere-France publish the results of their 2022 Energy Transition Observatory


The De Gaulle Fleurance law firm, in partnership with Avere-France (French association representing electric mobility players) and in collaboration with six foreign law firms (AlMaghtawi & Partners, DaWo Law Firm Shanghai, Hansu Law Firm, Khaitan & Co, Noerr and WKB Lawyers), provides an update on electric mobility in Germany, Saudi Arabia, China, France, India, Poland, Turkey and in the European Union.


  • 25%. This is the share of electric vehicles sold in the automotive market in Germany during the first quarter of 2022.
  • 92 billion dollars. This is the amount allocated to sustainable development projects in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • 3 million. This is the number of electric vehicles sold in 2021 in China, emerging as the market leader.
  • 315,000. This is the number of electric vehicles sold in France in 2021(up 62% in one year, with 15% of market shares).
  • 380. This is the number of electric vehicle manufacturers in India as of July 2021.
  • 60. This is the minimum number of publicly-accessible charging stations that Poland requires its cities with populations exceeding 100,000 to build.
  • 75%. This is the share subsidized for the installation of fast-charging stations in Turkey.
  • 2035. This is the European Union’s targeted ambition for the end of gasoline and diesel vehicle sales.


Read the press release here


The observatory of societal transitions 2021

Unveiled at the 10th Dialogues on Inclusion and CSR, the Observatory shows that these transitions have accelerated further, under pressure from civil society, NGOs and consumers, but also from shareholders, investors, companies and public authorities.


3 key figures:

  • 85% of CAC40 companies cite a reason for being in 2021 (vs. 50% in 2020).
  • 11 proceedings (including 7 formal notices and 4 summonses) have been based on the duty of care law since its adoption in 2017.
  • 72% of the 2020 referrals to national contact points, in charge of compliance with the OECD guidelines on corporate responsibility, concern human rights.


Find the De Gaulle Fleurance Observatory of Societal Transitions 2021 here

The International Energy Transition Observatory 2021

De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, in collaboration with five law firms (AlMaghthawi & Partners, DaWo Law Firm Shangai, Khaitan & Co, ENSafrica and Penteris) and ISFIN, provides an update on energy transitions in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, China, France, India and Poland.


6 key figures

  • 75%. This represents the South African share of the global platinum reserves (essential to the electrolysis process leading to green hydrogen production).
  • 650 tonnes. This is the volume of green hydrogen that will be produced every day in Saudi Arabia, upon completion of the first and unique ambitious project of this type in the Kingdom. An amount enough to supply 20,000 buses and air product.
  • +8,4 %. This is the annual growth in renewable energy production in China in 2020.
  • 58%. This is the share of court decisions favourable to wind projects in France in 2020 (down by 8 points compared to the last 5 years).
  • 1.99 Rupees. This is the very low renewable energy rate in India which has been divided by 6 over the course of 10 years.
  • 1.5 to 2 km. This is the regulatory distance between a wind turbine and another establishment in Poland, a constraint that hinders their development.


Find the International Observatory of Energy Transitions 2021 here