Space: extraordinary lever of competitiveness, position your company!

Space: extraordinary lever of competitiveness, position your company!

Since 2010, the global space economy has experienced a spectacular 70% increase in value. Europe is getting into gear to ensure a leading position in the New Space revolution, these new commercial and innovative space markets, in order to maintain its autonomous access to space and preserve the competitiveness of its economy.

Whether you are an actor in the space industry or a user of space services, our multidisciplinary teams can assist you in designing your strategy, determining the appropriate legal framework, promoting your activities, and defending your interests.


Companies using space services, we help you win contracts!


One of the reasons for this evolution is the digitalization of services (use of spatial data, connectivity, tracking of spatial objects, etc.). On the one hand, new space applications have appeared such as :

  • R&D and production in weightlessness notably in the field of scientific research and in particular health,
  • robotics,
  • environmental protection,
  • space exploration,
  • future activities of exploitation of space resources.


On the other hand, new systems and technologies were born such as

  • the creation and valorisation of space databases and their interaction with terrestrial data,
  • the miniaturization and the expansion of satellite systems (large constellations),
  • new renewable energy sources.


Convinced of the interest of integrating the space component to your activities, we combine vision, law and practical experience to accompany you in the implementation of an adequate strategy.



Space actors, develop your project with peace of mind!

We have acquired specific expertise in space regulations, a skill that enriches our full service offer, for a transversal treatment of your projects and operations. We can thus meet all the needs of the space industry, both in terms of advice and litigation, at the national and international levels.


  • Are you developing a space project?

Understanding the space industry is essential to develop an innovative and sustainable project. We will accompany you at each stage: design, manufacturing and testing of your product or service, to identify the applicable legal and administrative conditions.


  • Do you have to obtain authorizations?

Our in-depth knowledge of space and electronic communications law will allow us to assist you in the constitution of your authorization and license applications, as well as the follow-up of the technical norms and standards in force for your systems.


  • You wish to better manage your relationship with your partners?

We will be at your side to build your relationships with your various suppliers, customers and collaborators and identify the best strategies to adopt to be at the forefront of the national, European and international space market.


  • You wish to be accompanied on all subjects?

Our services are adapted to your needs. From the design, during the launch and until the de-orbiting of your space object, we will put our legal and administrative expertise at your service for the protection of your patents, your technologies and your systems and the valorization of your space project. What is the appropriate financing? What liability in case of damage? What insurance after a financial loss? What rights on your added values? What taxation and financing for your space activities and your terrestrial infrastructures? Throughout the conduct of your operations, we will follow up on your strategy, according to the needs of your project.


Download the inaugural “Space Law” guide, created in partnership with Chambers & Partners

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