De Gaulle Fleurance has teamed up with Volterres to advise Sun’R on the conclusion of a PPA with Lesaffre

De Gaulle Fleurance has teamed up with Volterres to advise Sun’R on the conclusion of a PPA with Lesaffre

This first short-circuit solar PPA in the north of France is the result of Volterres’ first mission to support a direct electricity purchase contract. The operation is being carried out with Lesaffre, a major player in fermentation.

Since its creation in 2018, Volterres has been facilitating access for businesses and local authorities to green, local energy by relying on a network of independent renewable energy producers throughout the country. Its activity is fully in line with the mission of Sun’R, its parent company, whose raison d’être is to accelerate transitions towards a sustainable world powered by renewable energies.

This PPA will enable Lesaffre to benefit from part of the green electricity generated by the Cambrai-Niergnies Seranvillers-Forenville solar farm. The company will purchase 25 MWp of electricity, or almost 25 GWh/year, for 20 years. Delivery of the electricity began on 1 July 2023.

De Gaulle Fleurance (Sylvie Perrin, partner, and Jean-Philippe Minaud, associate) joined forces with Volterres to provide the legal expertise required for this transaction.

“We are proud to have contributed to the success of this first short-circuit APP for Volterres,” says Sylvie Perrin, partner at De Gaulle Fleurance. “It marks a new key stage for Volterres and a way for companies to decarbonise locally as part of their CSR approach.”